It is possible to protect the appearance of your products quickly and inexpensively using registered designs.
Vault IP can file registered UK and Community (EU) Design applications for your products, which will provide you with 5 years protection, extendable to 25 years. Design applications are quick and easy as they do not undergo any substantive examination. They are examined for formal requirements only, and registered in a matter of weeks with no long-winded prosecution process, providing a fast way to stop your competitors using your designs.
Here at Vault IP we can also help you protect your design overseas, by filing international (Hague) design applications and by managing the filing of overseas design applications.
We’re here to help you find the best way to protect your new products, so get in touch and see how we can help you.
We also offer a portfolio management service for registered designs. By having regular reviews with you and providing detailed cost projections, we can help you manage the cost of protecting your products. Your portfolio is accessible online 24/7 for you to review, and export for your internal and external reports.
We’re here to help, so either give us a call on +44 (0) 121 296 9164 or contact us via our web form.